Our Mission

Connect neighbors together safely and conveniently to create a strong local sharing economy for good

Our Vision

To reduce consumer waste by transforming the way we make purchasing decisions on less used items

Borrow Local was created because of a problem we all experience. Sometimes we need an item (e.g. a special tool for a one-off project, car topper for a vacation, or instrument we would like to try) but have very few options other than buying it.

We at Borrow Local love to travel. We found it very inconvenient to lug around everything we might need when we arrive at our destination. If you have kids, we feel your pain... We hope that we can serve as your alternative to buying and dragging all of your stuff with you. Forgot something? No big deal. Find someone local who can help.

We are founded by Military Veterans here in the US. We pride ourselves on exceptional service and support. If you see anything that needs improvement or have a grievance? Reach out.

Thank you for supporting our venture and hope to see your items listed soon!

Stay in touch

No spam here. We would love to send a quick email every so often about our new features
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